Strops & Emulsions - Wicked Edge

8 products

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Showing 1 - 8 of 8 products
Jende Poly Diamond Emulsion 7mlJende Poly Diamond Emulsion 7ml
JENDE Jende Poly Diamond Emulsion 7ml
Sale price$21.99 Regular price$25.00
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Jende Poly Diamond Emulsion 25ml in plastic bottle with liquid diamond insideJende Poly Diamond Emulsion 25ml in plastic bottle with liquid diamond inside
JENDE Jende Poly Diamond Emulsion 25ml
Sale price$39.99 Regular price$48.00
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Jende Ultra Max Emulsion in plastic bottle with liquid diamond insideJende Ultra Max Emulsion in plastic bottle with liquid diamond inside
JENDE Jende Ultra Max Emulsion
Sale price$57.99 Regular price$60.00
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Jende Poly Diamond Emulsion 25ml All Grit KitJende Poly Diamond Emulsion 25ml All Grit Kit
JENDE Jende Poly Diamond Emulsion 25ml All Grit Kit
Sale price$259.00 Regular price$336.00
Jende Poly Diamond Emulsion 7ml All Grit KitJende Poly Diamond Emulsion 7ml All Grit Kit
JENDE Jende Poly Diamond Emulsion 7ml All Grit Kit
Sale price$145.95 Regular price$175.00
Jende Poly Diamond Emulsion 25ml Progression KitJende Poly Diamond Emulsion 25ml Progression Kit plastic bottles with liquid diamond
JENDE Jende Poly Diamond Emulsion 25ml Progression Kit
Sale price$154.99 Regular price$192.00
Jende Poly Diamond Emulsion 7ml Progression KitJende Poly Diamond Emulsion 7ml Progression Kit
JENDE Jende Poly Diamond Emulsion 7ml Progression Kit
Sale price$84.95 Regular price$100.00
Wicked Edge Blank Leather StropsWicked Edge Blank Leather Strops front


A mirror edge on a knife, with its highly polished and reflective surface, offers several benefits, especially when it comes to push-cutting applications. Push cutting refers to techniques used in shaving, chopping, and carving where force is not required, but instead, a refined and polished edge is essential.

Advantages of a mirror edge for push-cutting include:

Enhanced Precision: A mirror-polished knife delivers superior precision when executing push-cutting techniques. The polished surface reduces friction and allows the blade to effortlessly glide through materials with accuracy and control.

Clean Cuts: The highly refined edge of a mirror-polished knife ensures clean, smooth cuts. This is particularly beneficial in tasks such as shaving, where a clean and precise cut is desired.

Reduced Drag: The smooth surface of a mirror edge minimizes drag when push-cutting through various materials, resulting in a more efficient and effortless cutting experience.

While a rusty or toothy edge may struggle with push-cutting, a mirror-polished knife outperforms them in terms of precision, cleanliness, and ease of use. The mirror edge's polished surface is meticulously crafted to optimize performance in these delicate and intricate cutting tasks.

It's important to note that maintaining a mirror edge requires regular honing and careful handling to preserve its polished surface. However, for those who value the exceptional performance and refined aesthetics that a mirror edge offers during push-cutting, the effort is often worth it.

Whether it's for precise shaving, fine carving, or intricate chopping, a mirror edge excels in push-cutting applications, allowing for effortless and accurate cuts with a highly refined and polished edge.

Professionals often rely on a variety of sharpening tools, but two commonly favored options are whetstones and guided sharpening systems. Whetstones provide professionals with the precision and control they need to achieve razor-sharp edges on their knives, while guided sharpening systems offer a whole new level of precision.

Whetstones, with their range of grits, allow professionals to tailor the sharpening process to their specific needs. Coarser grits are used for initial sharpening or repairing damaged edges, while finer grits refine and polish the edge to create a highly refined cutting surface.

In addition to whetstones, guided sharpening systems have gained popularity among professionals. These systems, such as the Edge Pro, Wicked Edge, KME, and Lansky, offer precise and consistent results. They feature angle guides that maintain a consistent sharpening angle, resulting in uniform and reliable edges. Guided systems take the guesswork out of sharpening and provide professionals with a higher level of precision and ease of use.

By utilizing a guided sharpening system, professionals can achieve consistent results across various blades, ensuring optimal performance. These systems allow for controlled and repeatable sharpening, making them ideal for professionals who demand precise and reliable edges.

While whetstones remain a popular choice for professionals due to their versatility, the emergence of guided sharpening systems has taken sharpening to a whole new level of precision. Whether professionals opt for whetstones or guided systems, the goal is always to attain exceptional sharpness and edge quality for their knives.

Pull-through sharpeners, while popular for their convenience, have several drawbacks that make them detrimental to the health and longevity of your knives.

Pull-through sharpeners are indeed a popular choice due to their time-saving benefits and better precision compared to sharpening steels. However, it's important to acknowledge the downsides:

Excessive Metal Removal: Pull-through sharpeners, especially electric ones, remove a significant amount of metal from the blade, significantly shortening the knife's lifespan by years.

Damage to Thin Blades: Ceramic wheel sharpeners, commonly used in pull-through sharpeners, tend to chip and damage thin Japanese blades, compromising their structural integrity.

Unsuitability for Single-Sided Blades: Pull-through sharpeners are not suitable for single-sided blades like yanagiba, deba, or usuba knives. They can permanently damage these blades, rendering them unusable.

Inconsistent Edge and Blade Profile: Due to the mechanics of their design, pull-through sharpeners often apply uneven pressure along the blade, causing the edge to lose its shape and altering the original blade profile.

Limited Use with Bolstered Knives: Pull-through sharpeners struggle to sharpen knives with bolsters, as they cannot reach the entire length of the blade, leaving the bolster unsharpened.

Safety Risks: Some pull-through sharpener models pose a high risk of cutting oneself during use, resulting in potential injuries.

Difficulty in Realignment: When knives sharpened with pull-through sharpeners eventually require professional sharpening, realigning the blade can be challenging due to the alterations caused by the sharpener.

Unsuitability for Long-Term Use: If you purchased your knives with the intention of long-term use, it is advisable to avoid gimmicky gadgets like pull-through sharpeners, as they may compromise the knife's durability and performance.

Considering the diverse blade angles and profiles, the excessive metal removal, and the potential for irreparable damage, it is best to seek alternative sharpening methods that offer better precision, control, and preservation of your valuable knives' integrity.

Guided sharpening systems offer an additional dimension to the discussion on knife sharpening, as they provide enhanced accuracy and consistency in the sharpening process.

One of the notable advantages of guided sharpening systems is their ability to maintain a consistent sharpening angle throughout the process. Unlike freehand sharpening methods, which require significant skill and practice to achieve consistent results, guided systems employ angle guides that ensure precise and repeatable sharpening angles. This accuracy is particularly crucial for maintaining the optimal performance of knives and achieving consistent edge geometry.

The precision offered by guided sharpening systems contributes to more reliable and predictable outcomes. Chefs and professionals who value uniformity in their sharpening results often favor these systems, as they allow for consistent edge sharpness and alignment across multiple knives.

Guided sharpening systems also provide a level of convenience, especially for those who may not have extensive experience with freehand sharpening techniques. The guided approach simplifies the sharpening process by providing clear instructions and reducing the margin for error.

While guided sharpening systems may not offer the same level of flexibility and control as traditional methods like using whetstones, they excel in delivering accurate and consistent results, making them a preferred choice for many chefs and professionals seeking reliable and efficient sharpening solutions.

It's worth noting that accuracy alone does not guarantee optimal sharpening. Proper technique, choosing the appropriate grits, and understanding the specific needs of your knives are still essential factors in achieving superior sharpening results. By combining the accuracy of guided sharpening systems with the necessary knowledge and skills, chefs and professionals can achieve exceptional sharpness and edge quality for their knives.